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Gastrointestinal EQA Programme

  • Adenovirus DNA

  • Bacterial Gastroenteritis

  • Clostridium difficile DNA

  • Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli

  • Helicobacter pylori

  • Norovirus RNA

  • Parasitic Gastroenteritis

  • Viral Gastroenteritis

In recent years molecular diagnostic techniques such as real-time PCR have also been introduced for the laboratory diagnosis of gastroenteritis, including the ability to simultaneously screen for a wide range of enteric pathogens using multiplex assays. As a result, molecular diagnostic techniques are increasingly being used in the routine laboratory setting for detection, determination and surveillance of a wide range of enteric pathogens. The general aim of this group of EQA schemes is to allow laboratories to assess their ability in the use of molecular diagnostic tests for a range of viral, bacterial and parasitic enteric pathogens.


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